Thomas Khurana – Absoluter Idealismus der Rezeption: Eine Einleitung

Thomas Khurana holds his talk at the conference “The Absolute Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Lara Ostaric – Spontaneity, Receptivity in Schelling’s, Schopenhauer’s Conception of Creative Agency

Lara Ostaric holds her talk at the conference “The Absolut Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Alexey Weißmüller – „Das absolut-Concrete, die Nacht des Selbst“ Bemerkungen zu Hegel und dem Schacht

Alexey Weißmüller holds his talk at the conference “The Absolute Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Birgit Sandkaulen – Die absolute Reflexion und ihre Kritik in drei Modellen

Birgit Sandkaulen holds her talk at the conference “The Absolut Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Christoph Menke und David Wellbery – Ästhetischer Idealismus und ästhetischer Materialismus

Christoph Menke and David Wellbery discuss aesthetic Idealism and aesthetic Materialism at the conference “The Absolute Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Patrick Eiden-Offe – Erinnerungen an den Hegel-Marxismus

Patrick Eiden-Offe holds his talk “Wenn von länger schon vergessenen Gegenständen phasenweise eine neue Faszination ausgeht: Erinnerung an den Hegel-Marxismus” at the conference “The Absolut Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Stefani Engelstein – Excitability, Love, and the Fortuity of Flaws in the Absolute around 1800

Stefani Engelstein gives her talk “Excitability, Love, and the Fortuity of Flaws in the Absolute around 1800” at the conference “The Absolut Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Eli Friedlander – Receptivity at the Heart of Language. Benjamins Idealism

Eli Friedlander gives his talk “Receptivity at the Heart of Language. Benjamin’s Idealism” at the conference “The Absolut Idealism of Reception”, which took place on the 5. and 6. July in Berlin at Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung.

Sebastian Rödl – Passive Passivität

Sebastian Rödls talk “Passive Passivität” at the conference “Absoluter Idealismus der Rezeption”, that took place on the 5th und 6th of Juli 2024 in Berlin at the Eberhard Lämmert Saal of the Leibniz-Center for Literary and Cultural Research.

Precarious Happiness – Peter E. Gordon in Conversation with Rahel Jaeggi and Thomas Khurana

On June 3, 2024, Peter E. Gordon talked to Rahel Jaeggi and Thomas Khurana about his new book “A Precarious Happiness: Adorno and the Sources of Normativity”. The discussion took place in Berlin at the Roter Salon of the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. It was organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy at the University of […]


On April 22, 2024, the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana and the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade celebrated the 300th birthday of Immanuel Kant, one of the most important philosophers of the European Enlightenment. As part of a discussion, we will focus on […]

Thomas Khurana: The Futures of Marx

Thomas Khurana introduces the topics of the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Sabina Bremner: Marx on Intuitional Materialism and the Myth of the Given

Sabina Bremner’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Alec Hinshelwood: Marx on Rational Animality

Alec Hinshelwood’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Christoph Schuringa: Hegel, Marx, and the Actualization of Philosophy

Christoph Schuringa’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Vanessa Wills: Marx’s Ethical Vision

Vanessa Wills’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Lea Ypi: What is Moral Socialism?

Lea Ypi’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Karen Ng: Species-Being, Metabolism, and Natural Limits.

Karen Ng’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Thomas Khurana: The Resurrection of Nature: Marx’s Dialectical Naturalism.

Thomas Khurana’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Rahel Jaeggi: Defending Materialism.

Rahel Jaeggi’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Amy Allen: Marx and the Problem of History.

Amy Allen’s talk at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (June 28-29, 2023), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Marx im Anthropozän: Krise, Aufstand, Transformation. Panel discussion with Patrick Eiden-Offe, Francesca Raimondi, Christian Schmidt and Alexey Weißmüller

Panel discussion “Marx in the Anthropocene: Crisis, Revolt, Transformation” at the conference “The Futures of Marx” (28 and 29 June 2023) organised by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Centre for Social Critique at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.

Facundo Vega: Introduction to “The Politics of Beginnings”

Facundo Vega’s introduction to the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (February 15-16, 2023).

Samuel Moyn: Hannah Arendt among the Cold War Liberals

Samuel Moyn’s talk “Hannah Arendt among the Cold War Liberals” at the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (February 15-16, 2023)

Rahel Jaeggi: Arendt on Revolution

Rahel Jaeggi’s talk “Arendt on Revolution” at the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (February 15-16, 2023).

Eva Geulen: Revolution between Beginning and Founding

Eva Geulen’s talk “Revolution between Beginning and Founding” at the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (Feburary 15-16, 2023)

Discussion with Samuel Moyn, Rahel Jaeggi & Eva Geulen

Discussion of the panel with Samuel Moyn, Rahel Jaeggi & Eva Geulen at the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (February 15-16, 2023)

Thomas Khurana: The First Right. Arendt on the Naturalization and Politicization of Subjective Rights

Thomas Khurana’s talk “The First Right. Arendt on the Naturalization and Politicization of Subjective Rights” at the Conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (February 15-16, 2023)

Diego Rosello: “From Animal Labor to Animal Citizenship in Arendt and Critical Animal Studies”

Diego Rosello’s talk “From Animal Labor to Animal Citizenship in Arendt and Critical Animal Studies” at the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (February 15-16, 2023)

Bonnie Honig: ‘Constant Mutual Release?’ Toward an Arendtian Politics of Forgiveness

Bonnie Honig’s talk “‘Constant Mutual Release?’ Toward an Arendtian Politics of Forgiveness” at the conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” (February 15-16, 2023)

Adriana Cavarero: Hannah Arendt: Interacting Pluralities and Political Emotions

Adriana Cavarero’s talk “Hannah Arendt: Interacting Pluralities and Political Emotions” at the Conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin (Feburary 15-16, 2023)

Rodolphe Gasché: The Vulgate of Philosophy, and its Prospects

Rodolphe Gasché’s talk “The Vulgate of Philosophy, and its Prospects” at the Conference “The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today” at ICI Berlin. (15-16 Feb, 2023)


Discussion of the panel with Bonnie Honig, Rodolphe Gasché, and Adriana Cavarero at the Conference „The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today“ at ICI Berlin (Feb 15-16, 2023)

Thomas Khurana: Politics of Nature

Thomas Khurana’s introduction to our conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the CPKP and the ICI Berlin.

Christoph Menke: The Humanization of Nature – Lecture

Christoph Menke’s talk “The Humanization of Nature” at our conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the CPKP and the ICI Berlin.

Christoph Menke: The Humanization of Nature – Discussion

The discussion following Christoph Menke’s talk “The Humanization of Nature” at the conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the CPKP and the ICI Berlin. Moderated by Xenia Chiaramonte.

Christian Schmidt introducing Slavoj Žižek’s Keynote “Unbehagen in der Natur”

Introduction to Slavoj Žižek’s keynote at our conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the CPKP and ICI Berlin Unbehagen in der Natur: On Thinking the End of Nature: It is as if the Earth is gradually turning into Trisolaris, a strange planet from The Three-Body Problem, Liu […]

Slavoj Žižek: Unbehagen in der Natur – Keynote

Slavoj Žižek’s keynote at the conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the CPKP and the ICI Berlin. “Unbehagen in der Natur”: On Thinking the End of Nature: It is as if the Earth is gradually turning into Trisolaris, a strange planet from The Three-Body Problem, Liu Cixin’s […]

Slavoj Žižek: Unbehagen in der Natur – Discussion

Discussion after Slavoj Žižek’s keynote at our conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the CPKP and ICI Berlin.

What is to be done? Cilmate change and political activism – Panel Discussion with Robin Celikates, Andreas Malm, Eva von Redecker, and Rupert Read

This was the closing event of the Conference “Politics of Nature: Philosophical Perspectives on the Anthropocene” (Oct 20-21, 2022), organized by the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy and the ICI Berlin. What is to be Done? Climate Crisis and Political Activism: From a theoretical perspective, there seems to be widespread agreement about the extent, the causes, […]

Beware, Nature is crazy!

Johanna Adorján reports in Süddeutsche Zeitung on Slavoj Zizek’s keynote at our conference “The Politics of Nature”

Interview with Andreas Malm on Climate Activism with DLF Kultur

Stephanie Rode interviewed Andreas Malm, the panelist of our conference “Politics of Nature”, for the philosophy program “Sein und Streit” (DLF Kultur).

Fines Hominis Lecture, Andrea Kern: All and Nothing. The Life of an “I”

July 14, 2022 – University of Potsdam

The lecture addresses the question what it means to lead the life of an “I”. Following Hegel, it develops a conception of a self-conscious form of life according to which the reality of such a form of life is at stake in every moment of thinking. This is what it means that the concept of […]

Presentation: True Right Against Formal Right

October 15, 2021 – Johns Hopkins University

In this Zoom clip, Thomas Khurana presents and discusses his paper “True Right Against Formal Right: The Body of Right and the Limits of Property” at the international conference “Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: A Conference in Honor of Terry Pinkard“.

Conversation: Altera Natura

July 14, 2021 – Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

In this Zoom clip, Juliane Rebentisch, Thomas Khurana, and Rahel Villinger discuss aesthetic conceptions of nature at the Congress of the German Society of Aesthetics.

Video-Essay: Irony of Self-Consciousness

August 27, 2020 - HU Berlin

In this video essay, Thomas Khurana explains the ironic character of self-consciousness in Hegel. The contribution is part of the project “5 Minuten Hegel“.