Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin is a Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of ABC (São Paulo, Brazil). He is the president of the Brazilian Hegel Society (2022-2025), member of the editorial board of the Journal Estudos Hegelianos, and member of the advisory board of the German Hegel Society. He completed research stays at the Freien Universität Berlin, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and the Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena. His main areas of research are German Idealism (especially Hegel), Jacobi, ancient and modern skepticism, dialectics, critical theory (German and Brazilian).

Prof. Dr. Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin
Senior DAAD Fellow
Period at the center: September - November 2024
Research Project: Belief, Common Sense and Objectivity: Hegel and Jacobi
Research Project
Belief, Common Sense and Objectivity: Hegel and Jacobi
The broader horizon of the project is the opposition between philosophy and common sense. On the side of philosophy, there is a tendency to overestimate a kind of knowledge that opposes the “banality” of common sense. On the side of common sense, there would be a critique of philosophy that distances us from “reality” and the world. It would then be necessary to return to a position that liberate us from the philosophical hybris and towards a healthier philosophy. But wouldn’t there be another presupposed metaphysics in this position? This project aims to (1) revisit Jacobi’s philosophical position in his David Hume and his critique of idealism, (2) discuss Hegel’s critique of Jacobi, particularly as it is presented in Glauben und Wissen, and finally (3) how Hegel seeks to think philosophy beyond the framework of the opposition between philosophy and common sense, in the terms in which it was posed by Jacobi.
Selected publications
Hegel: Identidade e diferença, ed. E. C. Lima, E., F. M. Nolasco, L. F. B. Martin, V. Chamma (Campinas: Ed. Phi, forthcoming).
Negatividade e liberdade: homenagem a Marcos Lutz Müller, ed. A. N. Florentino, E. C. Lima, E. Z. C. Nakamura, F. M. Nolasco, L. F. B. Martin, M. Z. A. Silva, P. D. Fraga, V. Chamma (Campinas: Editora Phi, 2024).
Articles, book chapters
„La codicia infinita de la subjetividad y algunas consideraciones sobre la pertinencia de la crítica de Hegel a la ironía romántica en el § 140 de la Filosofía del Derecho”, in: Leyva, G./Tovar, A. N.. (Org.). La Filosofía del Derecho de Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: sentido, problemas y perspectivas, ed. G. Leyva, A.N. Tovar (Cidade do México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2024).
Niilismo e crença no diálogo David Hume de Jacobi, in: DISCURSO, 50:2 (2020), 133-146.
Vermittlung versus Unmittelbarkeit: Die Kritik des Unmittelbaren Wissens in der Enzyklopädie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften, in: Hegel-Jahrbuch, 2019, 130-136.