Dr. Emmanuel Nakamura

Dr. Emmanuel Nakamura

Postdoctoral DAAD Fellow

Period at the center: October 2023 - December 2023

Research Project: The Negativity of Second Nature and Market Dynamics

Email: el.nakamura@daad-alumni.de


Emmanuel Nakamura (PhD 2017, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) is editor of the journal Estudos Hegelianos (REH). From August 2019 until August 2023, he was PostDoc-researcher in social philosophy at UNICAMP, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Marcos Nobre and Prof. Dr. Marcos Müller. Between April 2022 and March 2023, he worked as visiting researcher with Prof. Dr. Terry Pinkard at Georgetown University. Between December 2019 and March 2020, he was visiting researcher at WWU-Münster, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michael Quante. As a DAAD-Fellow during his doctoral studies, he collaborated with Prof. Andreas Arndt and Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi.

Research Project

The Negativity of Second Nature and Market Dynamics

My research has three goals: (1) Based on Hegel’s Philosophy of subjective spirit and problematizing contemporary interpretations of Hegel’s concept of second nature, I want to show that this concept has not only the constructive dimension of the becoming of freedom but also a destructive one, i.e. by turning against a first nature or previously existing habits. (2) Reconstructing the systematic relation of central categories of Hegel’s Philosophy of World History, I intend to show that for him the concept of second nature in itself is insufficient to evaluate if a situation presents progress in the consciousness of freedom. As a simple identity between individual agency and collective norms, the ethical habit is only an elementary category, which needs to be grounded through the presentation of an “ethical universe” (a system of rights and social and political institutions). (3) Based on the negative meaning of the concept of second nature given by Critical Theory and by anthropological literature about forms of life of indigenous peoples in South America, I aim to show that the market is a clear example that the formation of a second nature does not immediately mean the formation of a situation with more freedom. My hypothesis is that in some cases we can conclude that it is not a matter of choice between a regulated or non-regulated market, but the simple non-existence of market relations sets up a situation with more freedom.

Selected publications


Der Maßstab der Kritik des modernen Staates bei Hegel und Marx: Der Zusammenhang zwischen subjektiver und sozialer Freiheit (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2018).


“Marx tem um método dialético próprio?”, in: TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO: Revista de Filosofia 45:2 (2022), 77–94.

“The Rabble and Its Constitution”, in: Crisis and Critique 8:2 (2021), 256–264.

A plebe e a sua constituição: o que Hegel e Marx têm a nos dizer sobre o populismo?”, in: Revista Dialectus 18 (2020), 365–389.

“Die Idee der sozialen Rechte”, in: Hegel-Studien 52 (2019), 83–102.