Dr. Amir Yaretzky

Dr. Amir Yaretzky

Postdoctoral Minerva Fellow

Period at the center: October 23 – October 25

Research Project: Foundations for an Analytic Schellingianism

Email: ayaretzky@gmail.com

Amir Yaretzky received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Tel-Aviv in 2020 with a dissertation on Hegel’s aesthetics. His research is focused on German Idealism and its contemporary analytic interpretations. Figures of special interest include Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Wittgenstein and Stanley Cavell. 

Research Project

Foundations for an Analytic Schellingianism

The main objective of the project is to produce a new interpretation of 19th century German philosopher F.W.J. Schelling’s philosophy of religion as an investigation into the conditions of thought and representation from the perspective of analytic philosophy. It will show that mythology is not a fungible form of contingent presentation, but rather an essential mode in which these conditions are intuited. Thus, issues endemic to the philosophy of religion will be shown to bear directly on topics usually attributed to epistemology and the philosophy of language. Accordingly, the objective is to show that a complete understanding of mythology and revelation goes hand in hand with an in-depth analysis of problems associated with questions on the possibility of knowledge. A major objective of the project is to make Schelling’s difference from fellow German Idealist, G.W.F. Hegel, explicit and to show how the weaknesses in Hegel’s system are recognized and resolved by Schelling in a number of ways. Ultimately, by engaging with contemporary analytic interpretations of Hegel in this way, the alternative offer given by this project will be an “analytic Schellingianism.”