Andrea Bianchi

Andrea Bianchi

PhD Student at the Sapienza University in Rome

Period at the center: April 2025 – August 2025

Research Project: Freiheit, Normativität, Verfassung. Zu einer kritischen Theorie der Normativitätsformen nach Hegel



Andrea Bianchi obtained a Master’s degree in Philosophy at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. After a research period at the Department of Philosophy of Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, he is currently pursuing a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Rome La Sapienza. During his PhD, he conducted research stays at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples and at the Forschungskolloquium Praktische Philosophie led by Professor Christoph Menke at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His academic interests focus on Hegel’s thought and its legacy within the tradition of Frankfurt School Critical Theory across its various generations.

Research Project

Freiheit, Normativität, Verfassung. Zu einer kritischen Theorie der Normativitätsformen nach Hegel

The work aims to address Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, offering an alternative reading to both neopragmatist interpretations and contemporary updates developed within Frankfurt School Critical Theory. In the first part of the work (Freiheit), the goal is to reconstruct Hegel’s concept of speculative freedom, demonstrating its irreducibility to the concept of social freedom. In the second part (Normativität), the aim is to reconstruct contemporary interpretations of Hegel that viewed his theory of ethical life and second nature as a solution to the so-called “paradox of autonomy” inherited from Kantian practical philosophy. In reconstructing the neopragmatist interpretations of Hegel, the focus will be on the form that normativity and freedom assume in the transition from the Kantian transcendental approach to the social-theoretical and historicist “left-Hegelian” approach. At the same time, the work will explore how contemporary Critical Theory has drawn paradigms from these models of classical German philosophy to elaborate its foundation. Finally, by recovering Hegel’s idea of a dialectic between objective and absolute spirit, the work will aim to develop a different dialectical model of Critical Theory, understood as a “critical theory of the forms of normativity.” The third and final part (Verfassung) of the work seeks to interpret the transition from civil society to the state within the Philosophy of Right as an application of the “critique of the forms of normativity” to the form of modern politics. Hegel indeed identifies that the division between society and state is the essential form of modern politics and develops an immanent critique of it, which brings to a re-signification of its key concepts (individual, representation, sovereignty, government).

Selected publications



“Dalla critica del vecchio mondo vogliamo trovare quello nuovo”. Sulla riappropriazione della negazione determinata in Horkheimer e Adorno (To Discover the New World through the Critique of the Old”. On the Reappropriation of the Determinate Negation in Horkheimer and Adorno), in: Politica&Società, XIII, 2/2024, pp. 271-296.

Universale concreto e libertà. Sull’irriducibilità della libertà speculativa hegeliana alla libertà sociale (Concrete Universal and Freedom: On the Irreducibility of Hegelian Speculative Freedom to Social Freedom), in: Verifiche, forthcoming.

Libertà pubblica come riconciliazione di libertà oggettiva e soggettiva. La teoria hegeliana dello stato (Public Freedom as the Reconciliation of Objective and Subjective Freedom: Hegel’s Theory of the State), in: Politica&Società, 11:1(2022), pp. 139-160.

Possibilità e limiti di una teoria critica dei diritti. Riflessioni su Diritto e violenza di Christoph Menke (Possibilities and Limits of a Critical Theory of Rights: Reflections on Law and Violence by Christoph Menke), in: Persona, 2:(2022), pp. 157-177.

Un percorso attraverso il riconoscimento. Tra Hegel e Honneth (A Path Through Recognition: Between Hegel and Honneth), in: Dialettica&Filosofia, 17, 2023, pp. 5-18.