- December 5, 2024, 16-18h
- University of Potsdam
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09
Kohei Saito – Marx against Marx: Ecomodernism vs. Degrowth

CPKP talk, followed by a discussion and reception. The event will also be available on Zoom. Request the link at sickenberger@uni-potsdam.de
- June 3, 2024, 20h
- Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
- Roter Salon
Precarious Happiness: Adorno and the Sources of Normativity – Peter Gordon in conversation with Rahel Jaeggi and Thomas Khurana

More than fifty years after his death, the legacy of Theodor W. Adorno is still highly controversial. Many see him as a philosopher of uncompromising negativity, of gnostic darkness, and also of all-encompassing, standardless criticism. Even among the wider public, the image of the thinker of totalizing despair, of “there is no right life in […]
- May 30, 2024
- University of Potsdam
- Haus 11, Room 0.09
Peter Gordon – Traces of a Different Color: Adorno, Normativity, and Immanent Critique

According to the well-known Hegelian dictum, philosophical knowledge seeks to recognize the rationality in conditions that have already gained their full actualization: it paints »gray on gray.« In Negative Dialektik, Adorno takes exception to Hegel’s claim, because it would seem to prohibit the possibility of critique: »Consciousness,« he writes, »could not despair at all over what […]
- May 16, 2024, 16-18h
- Universität Potsdam
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09
Daniele Lorenzini – Frantz Fanon and the Harm of Racism

CPKP Talk followed by a reception in House 11
- May 2, 2024, 16-18h
- University of Potsdam
- Haus 11, Room 0.09
Eli Friedlander – Walter Benjamin on Form and Identity

Abstract: In my talk I explore the philosophical grounds of Benjamin’s aesthetics by relating them to the legacy of Kant and German Idealism. In particular I will focus on his relatively unknown early theory of painting. In so doing I wish to rethink not only such philosophical concepts as intuition, imagination, form, construction and space, but also relate them […]
- February 8, 2024, 16-18h
- Am Neuen Palais
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09
Marcus Willaschek – Wäre ein ewiges Leben wünschenswert? Gedanken über den Wert von Tod und Unsterblichkeit

Talk followed by a discussion and a wine reception
- November 9, 2023, 16-18h
- University of Potsdam
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09
Andrew Norris — On the First Person: Kierkegaard/Cavell

- October 26, 2023, 16-18h
- Universität Potsdam
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09
Sabina Vaccarino Bremner – Marxian Alienation as Hypostasization

In her lecture, Bremner shows that the paradigm form of alienation for Marx is not the alienation of labor, but a radicalized form of conceptual abstraction that serves, on Marx’s analysis in Capital, as a transcendental condition of possibility for the capitalist economic form. She analyzes Marx’s critique of this condition by comparing it to Rousseau’s […]
- July 13, 2023, 16-18h
- University of Potsdam
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09
Terry Pinkard: Life, Logic, Practice – The Remnants of Naturalized Left-Hegelianism

- June 15, 2023, 16-18h
- Universität Potsdam
- Haus 11, Raum 0.09

In her CPKP talk, Zhang Shuangli will explore the interrelation of Hegelian Marxism and Marxist Hegelianism. Regarding “Hegelian Marxism”, she will start from the reconstruction of Georg Lukacs’ articulation of Hegelian Marxism in History and Class Consciousness, and then investigate as to how this framework has been differently adapted by German critical theorists (especially Horkheimer, […]
- January 12, 2023, 4.00-6.00pm
- Universität Potsdam
- House 11, Room 0.09
Anton Ford: The Question What to Do?

CPKP Talk by our Senior Humboldt Fellow Anton Ford (University of Chicago), followed by a wine reception.
- December 16, 2022, 8.00pm
- Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
- Roter Salon
Revolution and Liberation: Gunnar Hindrichs und Christoph Menke in Conversation

We live in a time of past revolutions and failed attempts at liberation. At the same time – or precisely because of this – the concepts of liberation and revolution retain a political potential for our present. But how exactly are we to understand the relationship between revolution and liberation? Can true liberation be realized […]
- June 15, 2022
- University of Potsdam
- House 9, Room 2.05
Robert Pippin: Phenomenology and Logic of Life
Heidegger and Hegel

What is at stake in the contrast between a phenomenological approach to the living being and a “logical” approach? In this lecture, Robert Pippin will defend Heidegger’s claim that Hegel leaves unexplained the original availability of the living/nonliving distinction in human experience.